Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Architecture)
August 2012 & March 2013 Intake
As part of our first compulsory practicum session which is known as our short semester, we were tasked to document and conjure up a set of detailed drawings, a series of sketches, a multimedia presentation and a model. This module entitled ‘Methods of Documentation and Measured Drawings’ is an intense eight weeks course that tests our ability to come up with a succinct set of drawings and documentation for the building which we are assigned to.
Our group was assigned the National Textiles Museum which was located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, under the supervision of our mentor and tutor, Ms Delliya Zain, we had to measure the building and translate these measurements into accurate architectural drawings.
This project is not only a test of measuring skills, but it also forces us to be meticulous in our work and have a keen eye for detail without which, would result in unsatisfying quality of work. Whilst this module tests us on our capabilities as individuals, we were also put to the test on how well we actually work as a team.
Initially, we were skeptical when we were assigned a building of such scale given our shortage in manpower. Even so, through meticulous planning and countless site re-visits we managed to conquer every corner of the building. Thereafter, the countless sleepless nights that proceeded after the site visit was a phase that was deemed to be most crucial to all of us. The amount of determination that we put in as a group together with the assistance and guidance of our tutor, were tickets to seeing this project through.